Now insert the Shaking Behavior clip into each of the letters. To make your clip shake, you should first open up the clip you want to use and then drag the Shaking Behavior clip from the Library into it. Each letter in the Globz logo is a movie clip that uses the Shaking Behavior movie clip. Don’t worry that they look red — they aren’t visible in the final movie. And Voila! If you now test the animation you can see that each letter’s _x position has been randomly modified. See the GLOBZ.swf. You can adapt this to create other effects. For example, you could create behaviors that make things appear/disappear, follow another clip, incorporate a transparency effect, resize things, and a lot more. Putting the behavior clip inside another one allows you to change and update symbols quickly, which will be useful when you’re working on big projects. Rather than changing each instance separately, you only need to change the clip inside the movie clip symbol.